Many of us are pet owners and lovers, however when it comes to showing our home, we are told to hide all traces of our pet from the home…including our pet! This can be hard because our pets are part of our family, and hiding all of their things can be a bit of a hassle. The good news is that we are seeing a trend of pet owners using their pets as positive marketing of their home!
The reason for this shift has a lot to do with the numbers: pet popularity is rising. In 1988, 56% of households owned a pet; today that number is up to 70%. According to the American Pet Products Association, a record-breaking 79 million U.S. households now own a pet and 83% of pet owners consider their pet to be a member of their family. These are great numbers for Fluffy and Fido!
For our Shorewest, REALTORS® this means that they are showing houses differently and finding homes with pet-friendly amenities for any pet owner that puts this on their wish list! Many home owners are installing dog-friendly nooks in mudrooms for baths or a place for bowls and food storage. Cat lovers are creating permanent cat perches and toys to keep their felines happy. This still means that keeping pets out of the home for a showing is ideal, but also presenting organized and clean pet nooks are a plus. This includes making sure that pet odors are non-existent. Nothing will send a potential buyer packing faster than a litter box sighting or smell.Selling your home to a fellow pet lover will be easy if you lay out information regarding dog parks, veterinary services, pet sitters and fun pet stores. Stage your home to show how the pets can have their space with their humans too. You can have picture of Fido or Fluffy in your home as long as it is not too ostentatious.
Real estate is evolving to include the whole family in the selling or buying process, including the fur babies! You don’t have to feel like you need to hide their presence any longer. Just make sure you pick up after them and present a clean and organized space! Talk to your Shorewest, REALTOR® about what the best plan is for you to buy or sell a pet-friendly home. Visit our Pinterest board, Our Pets for tips, tricks and all things pets! #ShorewestRealtors #OurPets #ShorewestFamily
Tags: home seller tips, home selling tips, home selling with pets, pets, Selling, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors
Categories: Home Selling, How to
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